5 June 2020
13:00 – 14:00 BST
Once the government support packages in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic will be reduced or terminated, the coming to “normal” will be far as national economies will continue to face huge difficulties in terms of decrease in sales and services as well as in unemployment. Companies are lacking cash like never before.
This webinar with panellists from Canada (Tushara Weerasooriya, McMillan, Toronto, Automotive Industry Officer, IBA Insolvency Section), the UK (Paul Keddie, Macfarlanes, London, Membership Officer UK, IBA Insolvency Section), Italy (Matteo Bazzani, Carnelutti Studio Legale Associato, Milan, Vice Chair of Projects and Publications, IBA Insolvency Section) and France (Anja Droege Gagnier, BMH AVOCATS Paris, Senior Vice Chair, IBA Insolvency Section) moderated by Cédric Alter (Janson Baugniet, Brussels, Secretary IBA Insolvency Section) and co-organised by Pedro Arregui Alonso (Arregui abogados economistas, Burgos, Spain, Website Officer, IBA Insolvency Section) will provide an analysis of the normative perspectives of the financial restructuring of debts.