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[CONTACT AHK] Kurzer überblick einiger steuränderungen des finanzgesetzes für 2018

Recht & Steuern Kurzer überblick einiger Steuränderungen des Finanzgesetzes für 2018, (Z 59-60) Christophe Jolk Das Finanzgesetz für 2018, welches am 31. Dezember 2017 veröffentlicht würde, sieht wichtige Änderungen der französischen Steuergesetzgebung vor. Dieser Artikel will dem Leser nur kurz und vereinfacht drei der wichtigsten Punkte vorstellen, die in erster Linie Privatpersonen betreffen. Um die Veröffentlichung…

[RESTRUCTURING] France has introduced a flexible and efficient security trustee for syndicated loans

Since 1 October 2017, French law has been giving members of banking pools security agents comparable to the security trustees of the Anglo-Saxon system. The security agent can now manage all securities and guarantees (personal, real, French or foreign). As a special fiduciary, he or she holds securities and acts without an additional mandate to…

[LABOUR LAW] The reform of the Labour Code: What the Macron orders contain – Although rules regarding grounds for dismissals have been relaxed, companies must remain cautious when drafting termination letters

”Technicalities must not override substance”, was one of the leitmotivs of the Macron government as it presented its orders on the reform of the Labor Code. In other words, employers should not be punished (too harshly) if they fail to comply with a complex and constraining procedural rule when their decision to terminate a work…

[AHK] Branch and tax in France

The Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, supported by its Regional Delegation in the Hauts de France and the Club d’Affaires Franco-Allemand Nord de France and in partnership with the Land’s Ministry of Economy, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture, organised the visit of a delegation of around ten companies from the Rhineland Palatinate from 28 to…

[LABOUR LAW] More flexibility in reducing workforce through collective agreement termination

The recent reform of French labour law provides a number of simplifications for companies to reduce their workforce. One of these reforms consists of a so-called collective termination agreement, without any justification for economic reasons within the meaning of the provisions on termination for economic reasons. In particular, the collective agreement is not subject to…

[INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY] What if Customs decided to no longer defend your brands in France…

In France, Customs plays an important role in the fight against counterfeiting, particularly through customs withholding. In practice, increasingly brand holders pass off the cost, risk, and responsibility for the fight against counterfeiting of their brands onto the customs administration. Customs often serves as a relay for economic entities, when they don’t want to take…